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Maxey Village Hall dates from the middle of the 19th century and is positioned at the heart of this beautiful Cambridgeshire conservation village. Built of local stone, the building housed the village school (hence School Lane) up until the mid 1960’s. Since that time it has been enlarged and improved to accommodate its many uses for the locals over the years.

Today the hall is, physically and figuratively, very much the centre of this thriving community. During any year functions and ‘get-togethers’ are held there; from regular Parish Council meetings to village dances, exercise classes and art groups. It’s the polling station at election time and the regular meeting place for community groups.

Maxey Community Association which are a group of Charity Commission Trustees are charged with its governance, maintenance and improvement – for the benefit of Maxey’s residents and all hall users.

The Team (Trustees)
Liz Lonsdale - Chair
Vice Chair - vacant
Karen Pike - Treasurer
Andy Bagworth - Assist. Treasurer and Website Editor
Liz Lonsdale- Secretary
Vito Ronzano - Fire Officer
Lynne Yarham 

Jacqui Barnard - Hall Manager
Keren Thomson, 
Brenda Wilson

We work closely with Maxey Parish Council.
Powered by LemonBooking
Village hall booking system